Visiting Fellowships 2025-26 (Non-Stipendiary)

These non-stipendiary Fellowships are intended to provide visitors with a social, intellectual and academic base.

The College proposes to elect one or more visitors to Oxford to Visiting Fellowships (including Keeley Visiting Fellowships) for all or part of the academic year 2025-26. The Fellowships, which are for those who already have full financial support, are for (i) internationally outstanding scholars; and (ii) individuals of very significant academic, intellectual, professional or artistic distinction.

There is no limitation upon the field of study. There are no restrictions on age or career stage, but preference would normally be given to candidates who have between 5 and 15 years of post-doctoral research experience or equivalent as appropriate to their field, with suitable allowance taken for career breaks. To accommodate the needs of Visiting Fellows with school-age children, we can be flexible about start and/or end dates.

Visiting Fellowships are intended to provide the visitors with a social, intellectual and academic base within which to meet academics with a broader range of interests than might otherwise be likely within a single Faculty or Department. The Fellows should be based in Oxford for the period of the Fellowships and will actively contribute to, and participate in, the social, academic, intellectual and artistic life of the College.

The Visiting Fellows will be members of the College’s Senior Common Room and will be entitled to lunch and dinner free of charge at Common Table. Accommodation is not provided. There is no salary attached to Visiting Fellowships and Visiting Fellows are expected to meet their own visa and medical insurance costs. The Fellowships are open to persons undertaking academic research or who, in the case of applicants falling under (ii) above, are likely to make a significant contribution to the social, intellectual and/or artistic life of the College.

Awards will not normally be given to candidates who have recently held a Visiting Fellowship at Wadham. Academics seeking a Visiting Fellowship under category (i) above must be academic visitors at the University of Oxford and be able to demonstrate an interesting and credible research project. Applicants falling under (ii) will be assessed according to the contribution they are likely to make to the social, intellectual and/or artistic life of the College during the course of their Fellowship.


Nominations are invited from Faculties or Departments, and from individual senior members of the University. The nomination letter should demonstrate a clear, mutual benefit to the candidate and the College from the association. The nomination letter should include:

Category (i)

  • Details of the nominator’s relationship to the applicant;
  • A summary of the applicant’s research and intended research whilst in Oxford;
  • Confirmation of the dates in which the applicant is visiting Oxford;
  • Confirmation that the applicant has, or expects to obtain, formal Visitor Status in their host department for the period of the Fellowship;
  • How the applicant would benefit the College and University.
  • The letter should demonstrate willingness and ability to contribute to the intellectual and social life of the College, beyond their own area of research

Category (ii)

  • Details of the nominator’s relationship to the applicant;
  • A summary of the applicant’s career and intended contribution to the academic, social, intellectual and/or artistic life of the College during the course of their Fellowship;
  • Confirmation of the dates in which the applicant is applying for the Fellowship;
  • How the applicant would benefit and contribute to the College and University.

The letter should demonstrate willingness and liability to contribute to the social, intellectual and/or artistic life of the College, beyond their own area of expertise.

Applications should be sent by email to by noon on Friday 28 February 2025 and labelled in the following format with application documents given filenames in the following format SURNAME_DOCUMENT.fileformat (e.g. JONES_KEYPUBLICATIONS.pdf )

These should include:

  • A curriculum vitae;
  • A list of key publications (if category i);
  • A brief statement (no more than two pages) by the candidate of the work to be pursued in Oxford.
  • Two other references from outside Oxford.

The application must be supported by a letter of nomination from the nominator and applicants should ensure that all references are sent to by the deadline.

All Visiting Fellows are formally asked to embrace the College’s values; these inform our principles of living as a community with mutual concern for each other’s welfare. Wadham has a proud history of being at the forefront of advancing equality of opportunity, and celebrates vigorous debate, independent thought, and academic excellence. We seek to create a welcoming, accessible, and secure environment in which to work, study, live, and visit. Our community embraces people of varied ages, backgrounds, races/ethnicities, nationalities, beliefs, genders, sexualities, dis/abilities, and appearances. This diversity, underpinned by mutual respect and consideration, enriches us all.

Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.

Enquiries can be directed to the Warden’s Executive Assistant at