Sunday 8 December 2024
Wadham College Chapel
All alumni are warmly invited to join us on Sunday 8 December, as we mark the start of the festive season with our Alumni Carol Service. Accompanied by our wonderful Chapel Choir, this afternoon of carols by candlelight, followed by mulled wine and mince pies served in Hall, is one of our most popular events of the year.
Further details
4pm - doors open
Please note that seats inside the main body of Chapel are allocated on a first come first served basis.
We also have overflow seating in the Ante Chapel.
4:30pm - service in Chapel
5:30pm onwards - mulled wine and mince pies served in Hall
This event is open to all Wadham alumni and their guests. In order to allow as many alumni as possible to attend, tickets are strictly limited to a maximum of three guests per alumnus.
With grateful thanks to Rev'd Dr Ross Hutchison (Philosophy and Modern Languages, 1979) for his sponsorship of this event, tickets this year are free of charge.
Credit: William Parry