Associate Professorship (or Professorship) of Latin Language and Literature

The University is seeking to appoint a full-time Associate Professor in Latin Language and Literature to commence at the start of the academic year 2025/26; the post will be held in association with a Tutorial Fellowship at Wadham College (as the Bowra Fellow and Tutor in Classics)

The person appointed will be expected to engage in advanced study or research in Latin Language and Literature, with a preference for scholars working on Latin prose texts and/or textual criticism and the study of manuscripts. They will also be required to give high-quality tutorials, classes, supervision and lectures at both undergraduate and graduate level, as well as undertaking administrative and pastoral duties, and fulfilling trustee duties as a member of the College’s Governing Body.

The Classics Faculty and College offer an exciting research and teaching environment, and an attractive financial package to the successful applicant. Salary ranges between £55,755 – £74,867 p.a. plus additional benefits including a housing allowance of £12,252 p.a. and academic support fund of £2,426 p.a.. Please refer to the Further Particulars for the wider benefits offered by the University and Wadham College.

Applications are invited from candidates with a PhD in Latin Language and Literature or a closely related discipline; other essential requirements, and full details of the duties associated with the post, are outlined in the Further Particulars. Associate Professor is the main academic career grade at Oxford with a focus on research and teaching, spanning the full range of professor grades in the USA. Associate Professors are appointed jointly by a University department/faculty and an Oxford college, and you will have a contract with both. Associate Professors may apply for the title of full Professor in annual exercises. If the title is conferred, you will also have access to professorial merit pay opportunities. In exceptional cases, the title of full Professor may be awarded on appointment. Appointments are confirmed as permanent on successful completion of a review during the first five years. The vast majority of Associate Professors successfully complete this initial review.

How to apply

There is no separate application form for this post. Applications should include:

  1. Your full contact details including, email address, full postal address and at least one contact telephone number.
  2. A covering letter or statement explaining how you meet the selection criteria set out in the Further Particulars.
  3. A full CV and publication list.
  4. Details of three referees (see Further Particulars for further instructions).

Shortlisted applicants will be asked to submit two representative samples of written work (each of which should be a journal article or chapter-length piece). Contact details, covering letters and CVs should be emailed (as a single pdf) to by the closing date of Monday 13 January 2025 at 12:00 GMT.

Interviews are expected to be held during the week commencing Monday 17 February 2025. Applications are particularly welcome from women, and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.