Governance, regulations & policies

Wadham College like all University of Oxford colleges, is an autonomous self-governing institution.

Governance and Governing Body

Visitor: Bishop of Bath and Wells

Warden: Robert Hannigan

Our Governing Body is composed of all the Fellows of the College, and this is where all strategic decisions or changes to policies are ratified. The College is a registered charity (no: 1139726). Members of the Governing Body act in their capacity as Charity Trustees.

Representatives from the JCR and MCR attend unreserved sections of Wadham's Governing Body meetings. Their contribution is highly valued.

Freedom of Information

As a public body, the College is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Freedom of Information Act deals with access to official information and gives individuals or organisations the right to request information from any public authority. Requests for information should be sent to We aim to deal with requests in line with SSRO procedures.

Regulations and policy documents

The College has a number of policies, procedures and regulations to guide it.

Our Publication Scheme makes certain information available. It indicates which College publications are accessible so that the public can be informed about Wadham College’s activities as far as is reasonably possible, while recognising exemptions regarding sensitive material. The Warden is ultimately responsible for maintaining the Publication Scheme on behalf of the College.

In line with legislative requirements, Wadham College publishes and makes available the following policy statements and related publications:

GDPR notices, policies & procedures

Freedom of information

Please note that freedom of information requests should be sent to:

FOI requests

Sustainability Strategy

Student facing policies

Further student facing policies can also be found in the College’s student handbook

Wadham College values

Wadham has a cherished tradition of being at the forefront of advancing equality of opportunity, and celebrates vigorous debate, independent thought, and academic excellence. We seek to create a welcoming, accessible, and secure environment in which to work, study, live, and visit. Our community embraces people of all ages, backgrounds, races/ethnicities, nationalities, beliefs (including religious beliefs), genders, sexualities, dis/abilities, and appearances. This inclusiveness, underpinned by mutual respect and consideration, enriches us all.

Environmental awareness guidelines

  • Recycle – make use of the College’s recycling services outlined in The Wadham Handbook.
  • Avoid leaving mobile phones on charge – switch them off when they have finished charging, and don’t leave appliances such as TVs on standby when they’re not in use.  According to the Energy Saving Trust, £700 million worth of energy is wasted in the UK every year by people leaving appliances on standby.
  • Don’t leave lights on unnecessarily.
  • Don’t fill your kettle with more water than you need.
  • Reduce your water consumption – don’t leave taps running when you brush your teeth or shave.
  • Take fewer baths and more showers.
  • Use the ‘full load’ principle when using washing machines.
  • Be aware of what you buy, where it has come from and the way it is packaged.
  • Try to buy recycled products where possible.

Energy Saving Trust