Advancing sustainability

Wadham’s impact now and into the future depends on us ensuring that sustainability is woven through all we do. Your support will be critical.

Our opportunity

  • An institution like Wadham – with our history of scientific innovation – must embrace sustainability as an academic challenge to find solutions that work.
  • Our Fellows in Climate Science and Biodiversity are already advancing new thinking and delivering solutions.
  • We will continue to bring together expertise to make Wadham an exemplar college in tackling the practical implications of climate change.
  • Carbon neutrality means an extensive programme of modernisation of our historic buildings, which will require the knowledge and research of Wadham’s academics.
  • This work will create a body of knowledge that pushes the boundaries of what is possible and benefits others faced with the same challenges.

We are in the process of determining the cost of a programme of sustainability, and welcome the support and consideration of our alumni and friends.

Please do get in touch to discuss how your donation can make a difference. We are always pleased to hear from you.

Julie Hage:

Barnaby Norman: