Golf Society
Wadham runs an informal golf society for alumni (male and female) through which we participate in two events each year – the Whitby Cup and the Intercollegiate Competition.
Whitby Cup Participants 2021
The Whitby Cup
The Whitby Cup, a fine trophy kindly donated by the widow of a former member of college, is open to all past and present members of Wadham, including staff and fellows. The 2021 event was held at The Huntercombe Golf Club followed by dinner in College.
John Ford retained the trophy with an excellent round of two over par gross, which translated to a magnificent 43 Stableford points. John topped and tailed his round with birdies at the 1st, 2nd, 17th and 18th.
Peter Lennon on his home turf scored 38 points, which on many other occasions would have been sufficient to win, and Malcolm Curtis, in his first WAGS appearance, was in third place with 37 points.
At an excellent dinner in College the podium sitters each received a bottle of wine kindly donated by the Development Office. John Ford briefly held the cup before it was re-consigned to the silver vaults but he was able to take home the coveted Nicholas and Dorothy brass rubbing which all winners now keep for a year.
The Whitby Cup day remains one of the most sociable and enjoyable on the alumni calendar so please contact the Development Office if you would like to play in the September 2022 event. The day is open to all past and present members of Wadham, including staff and fellows.
Photo by Robert Ruggiero on Unsplash
The Intercollegiate Competition
The Intercollegiate Competition is held each year at Frilford Heath Golf Club and around 20 Oxford colleges compete in teams of 10 for a very prestigious trophy. For this competition the organisers specify a handicap limit of 20 but they are happy for higher handicappers to participate off a restricted handicap. Somewhat to our surprise, but with great happiness, Wadham won this event in 2013 and now we are usually in the top half dozen.
Join Us
The Whitby Cup is open to golfers of all handicap levels but the Intercollegiate event is subject to the handicap restriction mentioned above. We would be very pleased to see more alumni and more alumnae participating – both at the relaxed (Wadham-only) Whitby Cup and at the collegiate event where alumna Jane Powell is a stalwart of our team and was a member of the 2013 winning side.
If you would like to participate in either of these two events please email Richard Chapman.