Law Society
Founded in 1980, the Wadham College Law Society has some 100 members and provides a network for Wadham lawyers.
Photo by Hivan Arvizu @soyhivan on Unsplash
The Society’s main objectives are to foster and maintain contacts amongst members and between members and the College and to assist the student section.
Assistance takes the form of an annual contribution to fund its activities and it also funds a prize for the best performance in Law Finals, and circulates an annual Newsletter. Events include dinners in College, lunches in London and in College and drinks parties in London and Oxford.
The Society has an active student section with its own President, Secretary and Treasurer. It organises an extensive and varied programme of talks and seminars etc of interest to students reading law or contemplating a career in the law. Professional members of the Society figure prominently as participants in this programme. Some of its events are organised in collaboration with the Wadham Human Rights Forum.
Each year students visit London where they are hosted by one or more City law firms in the morning and for lunch, followed by a visit to Chambers and to the Law Courts. A drinks party is held in the evening in the Middle Temple which is open to all members and which provides a good opportunity for the students to meet those actively engaged in the profession.
Membership is open to (i) those that have read or are reading law at Wadham; (ii) those who are currently reading another subject but who have a firm intention to practise the law and (iii) all former Wadham students who are practising or have practised the law.
The Society is funded by subscriptions, currently £20 annually or £150 for lifetime membership.
Student members pay no membership fee.
To become a member, complete the form below and contact Ben Dulieu at