Proof of student status and transcripts
We can help you with official letters for degree verification, confirmation of student status, council tax exemption, student bank accounts, reference requests, transcripts and visa
We require up to three weeks notice to produce an official letter or transcript and may only be able to produce one more quickly in exceptional circumstances. Please bear this in mind when making requests.
On-course transcripts
If you haven't yet completed your course, copies of your on-course transcript are available from the University. This will show your academic achievement to date but will not include a final classification. On-course transcripts can be ordered at a cost of £18 each at the University online shop. Further information is available on Academic transcripts
Courses commencing Michaelmas Term 2007 or later
Students who started their studies in Michaelmas Term 2007 or later and have since completed their course should contact the University Examination Schools to request a transcript.
Courses commencing prior to Michaelmas Term 2007
If you started your course prior to Michaelmas Term 2007 the College will be able to produce a transcript for you. Please complete the application form below and send it to
Further questions? Email
Transcript application forms
Student Enrolment Certificate
It's easy to print your Student Enrolment Certificate using Student Self Service. Do drop in to the Academic Office to have it authorised with a stamp.
Verification of your degree
Should you require confirmation of your degree and/or dates of attendance for employers, prospective employers and educational institutions, please contact the Degree Conferrals Office - University of Oxford Degree Verification
Council Tax exemption and student bank accounts
Students can print proof of their student status themselves via the University Student Self Service registration system. All students should log-on at the beginning of the academic year to confirm their presence on course, and check/update personal and contact details.
Once you have completed the registration process, an Enrolment Certificate will be available to print. You should check that your details are correct on the certificate, and then bring this into the Academic Office to be stamped. You can then take to your bank or the Council Offices on St. Aldate's (make sure you take your Bod Card with you).
Further advice on registration and exemption certificates can be found in the Oxford University's Registration Guide. The City Council website provides more information on Council Tax liability.
If you need further assistance, please contact
Confirmation of status and other letters
For confirmation that you were a student at Wadham, or for any other letter requests please complete the form below and send it to
Reference requests
Please contact your Tutor for a reference.
If you require a personal/confidential reference from a named tutor, please ensure that you ask tutors in advance if they are willing to act as a referee. Please provide them with full details of the employment or educational programme for which are applying.
Former students who are having difficulty contacting their former tutor(s) may check the college website or contact the Academic Office for assistance. Where references are requested for employment purposes and a job offer has already been made, it is College policy that a tutor may not provide a personal reference. In these instances, the College may provide only a factual reference in the form of either a Confirmation of Degree letter or Academic Transcript; if you matriculated prior to 2007, please contact the College Academic Office to request these documents. Students who matriculated in 2007 and later should contact the University on Further details here.
If you, or an educational/employment agency acting on behalf of you or your employer, are requesting a reference or other educational verification documents, please ensure you provide your signed consent to be passed on to us in order that we may release your details.
Visa Letters - for student travel in vacations
For non-EEA students who wish to travel to a European country during the vacation periods.
Please ensure you allow at least two weeks notice when requesting a letter from the Academic Office to support your visa application to travel to Europe during the vacation periods. Remember that you will need this letter for your appointment with the visa office of the country you are planning to visit. Normally it will be a requirement for us to state the dates of term, so that the relevant Embassy will see that you intend to travel out of term only.