North American Reunion - Boston Alumni Reception


Monday 6 May




The Somerset Club, 42 Beacon Street, Boston MA 02108


The Warden, Robert Hannigan CMG, warmly invites you to join him at the Somerset Club in Boston on Monday 6 May, 6.30-8.30pm, for an Alumni Reception kindly hosted by George Davitt (Law, 1980, Worcester) and generously sponsored by Foundation Fellow John McCall MacBain (Law, 1980). The Warden looks forward to taking part in a fireside chat with George Davitt to bring you up-to-date on the latest news from Wadham.

The Warden will host a further Alumni Reception in New York on Wednesday 8 May.

Please do contact us with any queries and we very much look forward to catching up with your news.

Please note this new date - previously notified as 7 May.