Groups visiting Wadham College

What are the visiting hours?

In term time the College is open to visitors from 13:00 to 16:15. Out of term the College is open to visitors from 10:30 to 11:45 then 13:00 to 16:15.

Who’s eligible for free entry?

• Alumni and their family members/friends • Prospective students and their family members/friends • School groups • Families without a tour leader • Individuals

Who has to pay?

• Tour leaders escorting groups, including registered tourist board guides.

Where are visitors welcome to visit? Visitors are welcome to visit Wadham College Front Quad, Fellows’ Garden and Chapel during opening times. Alumni and prospective students are also allowed to visit the Back Quad.

Further information for tour leaders, including group charges and health and safety advice, can be found below.

Advice on planning your visit to Wadham.