Applications are invited for the Wadham College Equality Fund.

Date Published: 02.02.2024

All members of the College community (students and staff) are invited to apply for grants from the newly-established Equality Fund.

The College fulfils its legal and statutory obligations in terms of ensuring the College is an accessible and welcoming environment to those with protected characteristics, as defined by the Equality Act 2010. The Equality Fund is intended to foster and support initiatives which go beyond this, enabling a broader and deeper understanding of the challenges faced by those with protected characteristics, the sharing of lived experience and the furthering of Wadham’s values:

Wadham has a proud tradition of being at the forefront of advancing equality of opportunity, and celebrates vigorous debate, independent thought, and academic excellence. We seek to create a welcoming, accessible, and secure environment in which to work, study, live, and visit. Our community embraces people of all ages, backgrounds, races/ethnicities, nationalities, beliefs (including religious beliefs), genders, sexualities, dis/abilities, and appearances. This diversity, underpinned by mutual respect and consideration, enriches us all.

Given that the intention is to support initiatives put forward from across the College community, the purposes to which funds can be put are intentionally non-prescriptive. However, potential applicants are encouraged to bear the following principles in mind:

  • Applicants who have a protected characteristic or characteristics under the Equality Act are particularly encouraged to apply; however, there is no expectation that any applicant should disclose any protected characteristic as part of their application.
  • Funds are intended to support proposals which are likely to be of general benefit to the College community, or of general benefit to those with a particular protected characteristic, rather than for the benefit of the applicant themselves or any other specific individual.
  • There will generally be a preference for using the fund to enable new initiatives, rather than to subsidise activities already being undertaken within the College, or any activity the College would be obliged to undertake as a statutory duty.
  • Individual grants are unlikely to exceed £200-£300.

Applications will be accepted on a termly basis, to be submitted in the first instance to the Academic Support Administrator no later than Wednesday of 4th week. Applications will be considered by members of the College’s Equality and Liaison Committee and the outcome of applications communicated to applicants by the end of 6th week.

Find out more and apply for the Wadham College Equality Fund here.