Do you have a Wadham tree story?
Date Published: 29.01.2025
We are collecting your stories for a book on Wadham's trees.
We are collecting stories of how Wadham students, Fellows, and staff—and their families—have experienced the trees in our gardens for Living with Trees at Wadham, a book currently in preparation.
We aim to document the natural and human history of Wadham’s trees, from the College’s origins to the present day. Themes include the life cycles and familial relationships of particular trees, shifting fashions and rationales in planting, representations in art and literature, and our trees as guardians of memory and companions through life.
While it will not be possible to quote all stories verbatim, every memory sent has a part to play in shaping the volume.
Please do send your stories—and your drawings, poems, paintings, photos, observations, and other inspirations—to Jane Baun, who will be very glad to see them!