Jane Garnett

Emeritus Fellow


Dr Garnett's research is on intellectual, cultural and religious history, predominantly of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including the study of gender and visual culture over wider periods.

Jane was Consultant Editor for Women on the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (1994-2004), as well as acting as Associate Editor for Victorian Women Philanthropists.

Courses taught:

British and some non-British history from the eighteenth century onwards.  Jane has also supervised a wide range of graduate work in the Faculties of History (including History of Art) and Theology, and also for the interdisciplinary MSt in Women’s Studies.

Current projects:

In 2013 Jane published a co-authored book (with Gervase Rosser) on cults of miracle-working images in Italy since the Renaissance, and she has continued to work on related themes. She has recently been involved in a major interdisciplinary Leverhulme-funded project on the impact of diasporas, within which her focus has been on Jewish, Christian and Muslim cultures in East London since 1880. She has co-edited (2013-16) three collections of essays on religion, urban cultures and diaspora, and a book on diaspora and art. A collaborative book on devotional space in East London is forthcoming. She also continues to write on the history of debates about social and economic ethics and moral philosophy.


Tel: +44 (0)1865 277936

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Selected Publications

ed, with introduction and textual apparatus, for Oxford World’s Classics, Culture and Anarchy by Matthew Arnold (Oxford, 2006).  Translated into Czech (2014).

(with Gervase Rosser), Spectacular Miracles: Transforming Images in Italy from the Renaissance to the Present (London: Reaktion Books, 2013).

(with Anne Bush), ‘Rome’ in Cities of God: The Bible and Archaeology in Nineteenth-century Britain ed. D. Gange and M. Ledger-Lomas (Cambridge: CUP, 2013), 285-314.

(with Alana Harris), ‘Wounding and Healing: Dealing with Difference in Christian Narratives of Migrant Women in East London since the 1980s’, Women’s History Review (2013).

(co-edited with Alana Harris), Rescripting Religion in the City: Migration and Religious Identity in the Modern Metropolis (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013); Garnett & Harris, Church without Walls: Mapping the Sacred in East London, ibid., 115-30.

(with Michael Keith), ‘Interrogating Diaspora? Beyond the ethnic mosaic: faith, space and time in London’s east end’ in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Collaboration and Conflict in the Age of Globalization, ed. Sander Gilman (Hong Kong University Press, 2014).

(co-edited with Sunil Shah), Doh Mix Meh Up: Diaspora and Identity in Art (Oxford: Oxford Diasporas Programme, 2015).

(co-edited with Sondra Hausner), Religion in Diaspora: Cultures of Citizenship (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).

(co-edited with Sondra Hausner), Religion in Diaspora: Cultures of Belonging (special issue): Diaspora 19:1 (2010) /published Summer 2016.

‘At Home in the Metropolis: Gender and Ideals of Social Service’ in ‘Nobler imaginings and mightier struggles’: Octavia Hill, social activism and the remaking of British society, ed. Elizabeth Baigent and Ben Cowell (London: Institute of Historical Research, 2016).

‘Anglican Economic and Social Engagement’ in Oxford History of Anglicanism, vol. 3, ed. R. Strong (OUP), 456-478.