Stephen Goss
Emeritus Fellow
Stephen Goss became Fellow and Tutor in Medicine at Wadham College, and University Lecturer in Pathology in 1978.
Stephen established the radiation hybrid technique 'Goss-Harris method' for human gene mapping, and went on to study the growth and differentiation of hepatomas. From 1997 to 2005, he was Director of Pre-Clinical Studies for the Oxford Medical School, and was closely involved with the expansion of the Medical School, revising the curriculum, and the building of a new centre for pre-clinical teaching, the 'Medical Sciences Teaching Centre'. He stepped down from the Directorship to become Senior Proctor, and became Director of Oxford's Staff Development and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Personnel and Equality), in which role, he was responsible for overseeing the development and evolution of the University’s Human Resources Strategy, for taking a lead on equality and diversity issues across the University. Stephen stays in close contact with medical students in the College and with our medical alumni in his role as President of the College's Medical Society. Stephen became an Emeritus Fellow in October, 2016.