Stephen Heyworth
Professor of Latin, Bowra Fellow and Tutor in Classics
Stephen Heyworth has been Bowra Fellow and Tutor in Classics at Wadham College since 1988; throughout this period he has taught textual criticism and Latin palaeography for the Faculty as well as giving lectures and classes on Latin literature (especially poetry of the first century B.C.).
Stephen attended Collyer's Grammar School in Horsham, and then did his undergraduate and doctoral studies at Trinity College, Cambridge, before teaching at the Universities of Sheffield and Leed. His doctorate was an examination of the manuscript tradition of the Latin elegist Propertius, which led on to an Oxford Classical Text of the poet together with a detailed textual commentary entitled ‘Cynthia’.
More recently (with his much missed Wadham colleague, James Morwood) he published commentaries for students on Propertius 3 (Oxford, 2011), and book 3 of Vergil’s ‘Aeneid’. His current work concentrates on the text, manuscript tradition and contexts of Ovid's Fasti. A commentary on Book 3 was published by Cambridge UP in 2019; he is now busy with an OCT of the whole poem. He was editor of Classical Quarterly from July 1993 to November 1998.
Ovid, Fasti Book 3 (Cambridge Greek & Latin Classics series; Cambridge, 2019)
A commentary on Vergil, Aeneid 3 (Oxford, 2017), with James Morwood
A commentary on Propertius, Book 3 (Oxford, 2011), with James Morwood
Sexti Properti Elegi (Oxford Classical Text, 2007)
Cynthia: a companion to the text of Propertius (Oxford, 2007)
‘The Consolatio ad Liuiam and literary history’, in T. E. Franklinos & L. Fulkerson (eds), Constructing Authors and Readers in the Appendices Vergiliana, Tibulliana, and Ovidiana (Oxford, 2020), 223-41
‘L’instabilité des dieux dans le livre 3 des Fastes’, in H. Casanova-Robin & G. Sauron (eds), Ovide, le transitoire et l’éphémère: une exception à l’âge augustéen? (Paris, 2019), 181-211
‘Further notes on the text and interpretation of Catullus’, Paideia 74 (2019), 215-34 (with Gail Trimble)
‘Clearing the ground in Georgics 1’, in B. Xinyue & N. Freer (eds), Reflections and New Perspectives on Virgil's Georgics (London, 2019), 31-43, 206-8
‘Hard verses and soft books: the materials of elegy’, in A. Petrovic, I. Petrovic & E. Thomas (eds), The Materiality of Text: Placement, Perception, and Presence of Inscribed Texts in Classical Antiquity (Leiden, 2018), 205-28
review of E. Kraggerud, Vergiliana. Critical Studies on the Texts of Publius Vergilius Maro, (Abingdon & New York, 2017), BMCR 2017.09.53
‘Irrational Panegyric in Augustan poetry’, in P. Hardie (ed.), Augustan poetry and the Irrational (Oxford, 2016), 240-60
‘Authenticity and other textual problems in Heroides 16’, in R.L. Hunter & S.P. Oakley (eds), Latin Literature and its Transmission: papers in honour of Michael Reeve (Cambridge, 2015), 142-70
‘Notes on the text and interpretation of Vergil’s Eclogues and Georgics’, in H.-C. Günther (ed.), Virgilian Studies. A Miscellany dedicated to the Memory of Mario Geymonat (Nordhausen, 2015), 195-249
‘Poems 62, 67, and other Catullian dialogues’, in D. Kiss (ed.), What Catullus wrote: problems in textual criticism, editing and the manuscript tradition (Swansea, 2015), 129-55
‘Lutatius Catulus, Callimachus and Plautus’ Bacchides’, CQ 65 (2015), 390-5
‘Medical imagery in Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.190-1 and Livia’s advice to Augustus’, CQ 64 (2014), 293-7
‘Keeping on keeping on: repetition in the Propertian narrative’, ORA 2013
‘Roman topography and Latin diction’, PBSR 79 (2011), 43-69
‘An elegist’s career: from Cynthia to Cornelia’, in Philip Hardie & Helen Moore (eds) Classical Literary Careers and their Reception (Cambridge, 2010), 89-104
‘Propertius, patronage and politics’, BICS 50 (2007), 93-128
‘Pastoral’, in S. J. Harrison (ed.), A Companion to Latin Literature (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World; Oxford, 2005), 148-58
‘Looking into the river: literary history and interpretation in Callimachus, hymns 5 and 6’, in M. A. Harder et all. (eds), Hellenistica Groningana VI: Callimachus (Groningen, 2004), 139-59
‘Catullian iambics, Catullian iambi’, in A. Cavarzere et all. (edd.), Iambic ideas (Lanham, MD, 2001), 117-40