
MSc in Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology

Image courtesy of Dr Emma Cohen

The MSc in Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology explores human thought, behaviour, and culture from the perspectives of the evolutionary and cognitive sciences.

The Course

Wadham admits graduate students for the Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology's one-year MSc programme. During their first term, students follow a course on the investigation of biological evolution and cognition and a course on quantitative methods (including statistics and research design). In their second term they take a course on the evolution of human behaviour, including biological, cognitive, psychological and comparative perspectives, as well as the Mind and Culture course, which examines how human conceptual structures inform and constrain cultural expression.

Candidates are assessed by coursework and three three-hour written examinations in the third term. The MSc concludes with a 15,000-word research dissertation to be completed over the summer months, which is submitted and examined at the end of August. Further details can be found here.

The Tutors

Dr Emma Cohen

Dr Emma Cohen is a convener on the MSc in Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, as well as being Tutorial Fellow in Human Sciences at Wadham College.