Alumni Society
Founded in 1963, the Wadham Alumni Society is a community made up of all alumni of Wadham College.
The Warden, Robert Hannigan CMG (L) with Wadham Alumni Society Committee member Sue Goltyakova (Modern Languages, 1984) (R) and Jane Jones (Classics and Modern Languages, 1983), in the gardens
The Wadham Alumni Society has three main activities:
- The Society as a forum for contacts across generations and across subjects. The Society's annual dinner, to which members may bring a guest, and the more informal networking events, often attended by current members of the College, encourage the renewal of old associations and the making of new contacts. The Wadham Society is working to develop further networking opportunities.
- It encourages links between former and current students and is working to develop these associations. Such links include 'inspiration' sessions in College, at which groups of alumni working in a particular sectors talk informally with current students, sharing their experiences and offering advice and support. The Wadham Society network of alumni also supports the College’s access initiatives to encourage a wider, more diverse, range of applicants to the College and to Oxford more generally.
- The Society distributes a regular sum of money from the College’s fundraising efforts towards projects that enhance the student experience, through the ‘WadSAS Committee’.
We are currently seeking new Committee members. Please consider volunteering your time and ideas for our community.
Contact the Development OfficeWadham Alumni Society Constitution
For more information, please contact:
Rachel Saunders in the Development Office
+44 (0) 1865 277970
Wadham Society President Sachin Patel