Graduate Freshers
A warm congratulations on being offered a place at the University and at Wadham!

The Warden
A Welcome from the Warden
Dear Graduate Student,
I want to welcome you very warmly as you prepare to join Wadham College this term. Wadham is one of the larger colleges at Oxford, with a fine scholarly history, wonderful 17th Century and modern buildings, and beautiful gardens. But it is also has a reputation as a warm and friendly community. While we appreciate that many of our graduate students will spend much of their time with departments, I hope you will also take advantage of the full breadth of College life. The purpose-built McCall MacBain Graduate Centre is right at the heart of Wadham and I know you will quickly feel at home there, whether participating in MCR social events, dining in Hall or joining some of the amazing array of College societies, arts activities and sports teams.
At the root of Wadham’s close community is its diversity. We have always strived to be genuinely inclusive: you will meet fellow students from every background, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious belief and, of course, many different nationalities, particularly among your fellow graduate students and our academics. Respect for difference and for each other is fundamental to life at Wadham, as is the exchange of ideas, however controversial, in an atmosphere of academic freedom and genuine debate.
This mutual respect is rooted in the pursuit of academic excellence, which is ultimately what draws you - and all of us - here. As graduates at Wadham, you will benefit from a vibrant, multi-disciplinary intellectual community, which brings together your fellow students and the world-class academics working in so many areas at Oxford. I am sure you will make lasting friendships during your time here.
I look forward to meeting you in person when you arrive in the autumn. In the meantime, welcome to Wadham and to Oxford.
Robert Hannigan CMG
As you begin your graduate studies you are joining a college that, more than 400 years after its founding, enjoys a reputation for academic excellence within an informal and progressive community. As with starting anything new, there are a number of important steps that you will need to take.
Please complete each of the four steps outlined below, and read through the remainder of the sections on this website (and the associated materials in our Documents Library) well in advance of your arrival in Oxford. There is also lots of helpful information for new students available on the relevant pages of the University website.
Next Steps - Action Required Before 1st September
You should sign and return your College Contract to the Graduate Administrator by 1 September if you have not already done so; please send your contract to We ask that you sign and scan your contract if possible, but if necessary a typed 'signature' will be sufficient.
Your College Contract can be found at the Document Library page. Please note that by signing the contract you are agreeing to abide by any instructions provided in the College Student Handbook and by a number of College policies.
Once your University Card Form has been returned to your department and processed, you will receive two emails from University Student Administration. Assuming you return your Card Form by 1 September, you should have receive these emails by mid-September, so please let us know if that is not the case. These emails will provide you with details of how to activate your Oxford University email account, which you will need to do before you are able to register online with the University's Student Self-Service website. Online Registration opens on 1 September and you should be able to register once your Oxford email account has been activated.
The University's online registration process is separate both from setting up your email account and registering at the College, which you will do in person in September or early October. It is essential that you complete the online registration before you attend your registration slot, as a delay in completing online registration can lead to delays in you receiving any financial support to which you are entitled.
Along with your online University registration you will need to book a 15 minute session with the Graduate Administrator, where you will be enrolled and receive your University Card. Slots can be booked online, commencing on Wednesday 18 September until Tuesday 8 October. If you cannot find a suitable appointment time, please contact
You must bring a form of photo ID to your registration session.
Students from outside the UK who made a CAS/visa application must bring their passport and visa documentation (usually a Biometric Residence Permit) to Registration with them. If you have an electronic visa, please send your share code to in advance of arriving in Oxford.
You will also need to attend a full-day college induction session on Wednesday of 0th week (9 October); by prior arrangement with the University, college events on this day take priority over anything being organised by your department. If you have been asked to attend departmental events on this date, please contact to make us aware of this at the earliest possible opportunity.
We strongly recommend that students register with a doctor in Oxford (you will still be entitled to receive medical treatment from your own doctor at home). The College recommends that all Wadham students register with the College practice (Beaumont Elms); you do do this via the online portal at
A letter from the College Doctors containing useful information about the National Health Service and giving further details of how to register with them is available in the Documents Library, along with a welcome video outlining their services. Please also pay attention to the information provided in the Documents Library in relation to vaccinations that students are expected to have had prior to commencing their studies.
Please note that students who do not register with the College Doctors may find that this presents additional difficulties during the course of their studies, particularly at stressful times (e.g. where they require coursework extensions or special arrangements for exams). If you do not anticipate registering with the GP in advance of your arrival in Oxford - for instance because you are receiving an on-going course of treatment via your home GP - please email the Academic Administrator in advance of your arrival to provide confirmation of this in writing.
Further information will be provided during the 'Welcome to Welfare at Wadham' session taking place in Freshers' week. Attendance at this session is compulsory.

Merifield Accommodation
Academic Information
Your first port of call for any academic-related queries should always be your Faculty/Department.
More general queries may be addressed to the Academic Office, located on the top floor of the Undergraduate Centre. The office is open for student queries 09.30-12.00 / 13.00-17.00, Monday to Friday. You can also email general enquires to
Appointments with the Senior Tutor (Ms Lynn Featherstone), the Academic Administrator (Dr Mike Froggatt), the Tutor for Graduates (Prof. Philip Bullock), and the Dean or Welfare Lead can be made through the Academic Office.
Your Faculty/Department will provide you with full details of the courses that you'll be studying, and what is expected of you before you arrive and during your inductions.
There is also much useful information in the Wadham Student Handbook and the Oxford University Student Handbook. You will need to be familiar with these documents; they contain the answers to many questions that you might have. Checking through these can be much quicker than having to wait for an appointment, especially at busy times of the year. Please take a few moments to read through them before you arrive.
The main method by which University Staff will communicate is via email, and you MUST check your Wadham College email address daily during term-time.
Libraries will play a big part during your time at Oxford, whether providing access to online articles on your reading list or helping you find that elusive book. The Bodleian Libraries is the library service supporting the University and can help you get the most out of your course.
A number of 30-minute webinars will be taking place during freshers' week to introduce you to the Bodleian Libraries and how they can help you. These webinars will take place via Microsoft Teams at the times listed below: you only need to attend one of them and there is no need to register, you simply need to click here to join. You will get the best experience by joining via the Teams desktop app, but you can join via a browser too (Google Chrome is recommended). If you have any accessibility requirements you would like to declare, please contact
Wednesday 9 October
Thursday 10 October
Friday 11 October
Additionally, you can attend a tour of your subject library. Details are on the Bodleian's Getting Started webpage where you can also watch a brief welcome video. For details of the library/libraries for your subject area, and to watch a brief video about the subject library, visit the University's Libraries web page.
Induction sessions for the College library will also take place during freshers' week; you will be provided with further details of these when you attend College registration.
Students either already reading for a postgraduate degree at Wadham or proposing to do so from Michaelmas Term 2024 are eligible to apply for a Senior, Keeley Senior or Eprime Eshag Senior Scholarship. Graduates taking either taught or research courses are eligible (e.g. including BCL, 2nd BM, MPhil, MSc. and PGCE students).
The College proposes to offer 6 Senior Scholarships, 4 Keeley Senior Scholarships, and 1 Eprime Eshag Senior Scholarship from Michaelmas 2024. Each student awarded one of these competitive and prestigious scholarships will receive £500 and be entitled to one free High Table dinner per week during full term where such dinners are being held.
Please find the full advertisement and details on how to apply in the Documents Library.
Financial Information
The College has put together a helpful Graduate Financial Guide which includes information on all key aspects of student finance and can be found in the Documents Library.
If you wish to discuss the payment of fees and/or any other financial matters, please contact the Finance Bursar's Office via email or phone on 0044 (0) 1865 277965. Queries regarding 'battels' charges (accommodation and meals in College) should be addressed to the Domestic Bursar either via email or phone on 0044 (0) 1865 277963.
It is strongly advised to open a student bank account when you arrive in Oxford.
To open a student bank account you will need to provide the relevant bank with several types of documentary evidence confirming your identity, your correspondence addresses before and after admission to the College, and your status as a student. Students who are not normally resident in the UK will also need to have their passport and visa with them. Banks do not accept your University card as proof of identity. However once you have registered with the College, you will be able to download and print a copy of your enrolment certificate from Student Self-Service; most banks will accept this as proof that you are a student, but in some cases they will expect to the document to be stamped. If this is the case please contact the Academic Office who will be happy who will be happy to sign and stamp your enrolment certificate.
If you already have a bank account, you are strongly recommended to enquire at your regular bank about arranging a transfer of your account to an Oxford branch. Documentary evidence of your Oxford address will be required; banks will normally accept your enrolment certificate or battels (i.e. Board and Lodging charges) bill if you are living in College.
Student possessions insurance has been provided through Endsleigh for every student who is living in college-owned accommodation for the coming academic year; a certificate of insurance can be found in the Contracts and Documents Library.
This cover does not protect laptops and phones or other items when you are outside your room, or all risks inside your room. It is important for you to check this cover, so please follow the steps below to ensure you fully understand the protection provided.
Enter in your policy number HH1145 at to check your policy details. Via this link you can also
Check what is covered
Check key exclusions and limitations
Check your policy excess
Check how to make a claim
Extend and personalise your cover to protect laptops, phones and other valuables.
It is important to find out exactly what you are covered for, as you may find that the contents cover is not sufficient and you need to extend it to protect all of your possessions both inside and outside of your room. You are strongly advised to insure any laptop or tablet that you will be bringing to University.
A Book Grant of £50 will be available to all first year students for the purchase of course-related books from Blackwell’s Bookshop.
This will be provided in the form of an EGift code that you may request by email from the Finance Bursar’s PA at at the start of term (or in advance of the start of term if you need to purchase books prior to your arrival). The EGift code may be used in the shop as well as online, and is valid up until the end of Michaelmas Term. Delivery of books within the UK is free.
The code can be used multiple times until the £50 has been spent. Blackwell’s offers very competitive prices and will match the price of any other retailer. If you still find a cheaper price online, they will match that price when you come to pay in store and show your Student ID. With online purchases, the price match happens automatically.
Purchases made with the Book Grant will be monitored. Students will be asked to refund any amounts spent on non-eligible books or other items.
On arrival in Oxford you will also be able to request a Blackwell's Student Discount Card, which gives you 10% off any purchase (not only books) in store only. In the case of course books, you can apply the price match or the 10% discount, whichever is the lowest price.
Please find below guidance on whether you will need to purchase a TV licence:
A valid TV Licence is required if you use a TV, or television-receiving equipment such as a desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet, games console, digital box, Blu-ray/DVD/VHS recorder or streaming stick. You need to be covered by a TV Licence to watch or record any TV live from anywhere in the world on any channel. This applies to any device and provider you use that lets you watch live TV over the internet, such as ITV Hub, Channel 4 Watch Live, All 4, Sky Go, Virgin Media, Now TV, BT TV, Apple TV, YouTube, Amazon Instant Video and Roku. If you're watching cable, satellite or any other TV services live then you need a TV Licence.
You also need to be covered by a TV Licence to watch BBC programmes on BBC iPlayer - whether that's live, on demand or on download.
Providing that you have a TV Licence for your home address, then you will be covered if you're only watching on a device that's powered solely by its own internal batteries (like your mobile phone, laptop or tablet) AND it isn't connected to an aerial or plugged into the mains.
If you live in College accommodation you need your own separate TV Licence to watch or record TV on any channel, watch TV live on any streaming service and watch BBC shows on BBC iPlayer.
You also need your own TV Licence if you are sharing a house with other students and watch or record programmes as they're being shown on TV or streamed live on an online TV service, or to watch BBC programmes on BBC iPlayer - whether that's live, on demand or download. If you have a separate tenancy agreement for your room, you'll need your own TV Licence.
If you have a joint tenancy agreement for an entire house or flat, you'll usually only need one licence to cover the whole property - however it is worth checking at to be on the safe side.
A TV Licence currently costs £169.50. You can spread the cost weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly. You can request a refund for your TV Licence if a) you won’t need your licence again before it expires, and you have at least one complete month left on it or b) your licence has already expired and less than two years have passed since the expiry date.
For up-to-date and further information, visit
Health and Welfare Information
The University of Oxford has provided advice about the vaccinations that you are strongly advised to have before arriving.
All students are strongly encouraged to get the Covid-19 vaccination when available.
Due to an increase in cases of meningitis type W, new students (aged under 25) are now recommended to have the Meningitis ACWY vaccine. This is different from the previous meningitis C vaccine. Please make an appointment with your local doctor/general practice to have this vaccine before coming to Oxford. The ACWY vaccine has not been part of the routine immunisation schedule before, although some people will have had it for travel purposes. If you have had ACWY vaccine in the last five years, you do not need another dose.
The Health Protection Agency recommends that young adults are protected against mumps by receiving two doses of MMR vaccine, which gives 90% protection. If you have not had both the normal doses of MMR vaccine, it is strongly recommended that you are immunised before coming to Oxford, as there have been clusters of cases of mumps and measles at various universities. MMR can be given at the same time as the Meningitis ACWY vaccine. It is better to be immunised before arrival (because of the risk of transmission during events at the start of term) but it will be possible to have the vaccine later, once you have registered with the College GPs at the Beaumont Elms Practice.
Further guidance from the University regarding vaccinations and healthcare can be found at the Document Library page.
If you have a physical disability or illness, a mental health condition, or a specific learning difficulty (SpLD) that you did not declare when applying to Oxford, then we strongly advise you to inform us of this at the earliest possible opportunity, so we can put in place whatever support might be most appropriate for you. Please contact the College's Disability Coordinator, who will, with your permission, liaise with the University Disability Advisory Service (DAS).
If you have already declared a disability, as part of your application to the University, the Disability Coordinator will contact you shortly after your arrival here to schedule a meeting to discuss how we can best support you during your time here. If you would find it helpful to have such a meeting prior to arriving in Oxford please contact the Disability Coordinator and they will be happy to schedule a virtual meeting at some point in September.
Further details about the Disability Advisory Service and the support they can provide can be found here.
Wadham College takes the welfare of its students very seriously, and there is a wealth of free and confidential support available. Full details of the College's welfare team, and resources available to students, here can be found on our website, whilst details of the University's welfare provision, including the University Counselling service, can be found here.
Cycling in Oxford is a very good idea (it’s often the fastest way of getting round the city and research has shown that the more people cycle, the safer it becomes) but if you’re not used to cycling in traffic there are some important things you need to know to keep yourself safe.
Get the right equipment - the absolute minimums are a mechanically safe bike that fits you, front and rear lights, rear reflector and a good quality lock. Most experienced Oxford cyclists also decide, after a few near misses, to wear a helmet (if you do decide to wear one make sure it is fitted correctly) and something high-visibility and reflective, particularly at night.
Register your bike – theft of bicycles is very common in Oxford. A bicycle registration number will increase the chances of your bike being returned if stolen. Cycle registration packs are available in your College and from the University Security Services (Tel. 01865 272944).
Improve your urban cycling skills – see details of cycle training at
Make sure you are mentally prepared: never cycle after drinking alcohol (the same rules and limits apply for people in charge of bikes and cars) and read the relevant sections of the Highway Code.
When cycling, ride in a good visible position - at least a car door distance from parked cars, not weaving into gaps (you disappear). Get good eye contact with other road users to be sure that they have seen you. At junctions, either make sure you can get to the front of the traffic and be visible, or remain in your place in the queue in the centre of the lane. Get into the habit of only overtaking on the right hand side. One of the most common causes of accidents is collision with left turning vehicles.
If you are involved in an accident, make sure that you get professional help either at the John Radcliffe Hospital (Tel. 01865 741166) or from your College nurse or doctor. To report a stolen bike contact the local Police station (Tel. 101) and also, if your bike is registered, the University Security Services (Tel. 01865 272944).
Student Life
All students are required to be familiar with the Wadham Handbook, documenting the policies of the College in domestic, decanal, financial and academic matters, and providing essential information and guidance in all these areas. The handbook can be accessed online here.
Please note that you are required to be aware of the contents of the Wadham Handbook, to pay regard to the rules set out in it (ignorance will be no defence in cases of transgression), and that it is in your own interests to turn to that handbook for advice and guidance in navigating your way through your studies. This applies equally to new and ongoing students.
The Wadham Handbook is updated every summer and all students then become bound by the updated version. Typical changes might include a new harassment policy or procedure, or updating information on student welfare provision. College rent and food charges are also revised in an agreed process involving current students, and all students then pay the updated charges.
Alongside awareness of the handbook’s contents, all students are politely reminded of the obligation, stated therein, to check their College email account daily. Tutors, College officers and other staff will regularly send information by email, to your Wadham address and you are expected to have received this within 24 hours of its sending. Prompt responses are expected and required.
As a community of which students and staff are all citizens, the policies set out in the handbook allow each individual to participate to their full potential.
The University Student Handbook provides general information and guidance you may need to help you to make the most of the opportunities on offer at the University of Oxford. It also gives you formal notification and explanation of the University’s codes, regulations, policies and procedures.
This document is updated annually and the version for 2023-24 can be found here; the revised 2024-25 version will be made available via the same webpage shortly. Please do familiarise yourself with the content of the new booklet when it becomes available.
Freshers' Week will run from Sunday 6 October to Sunday 13 October, incorporating departmental and College events. It is important to check what sessions are mandatory, and ensure you attend these. Our MCR (Middle Common Room) Committee will be running a number of social events during this period where you can meet your College peers and get a feel for student life at Wadham; further details will be circulated and added to the Document Library closer to the time. Please note that College events on Wednesday 9 October are mandatory, and attendance is expected.
Matriculation is the ceremony that marks a student's formal admission to the University; this year's ceremony is scheduled for Saturday 19th October and attendance is compulsory for all new students (students who have previously matriculated, either at Wadham or another Oxford college do not attend the ceremony). Further details will be communicated to you during freshers' week.
The required dress for matriculation is known as sub fusc, and also needs to be worn for formal University exams, so you will need to ensure that you either bring appropriate clothing with you when you arrive in Oxford, or purchase something suitable shortly after arrival.
It consists of one of the following:
A dark suit with dark socks, or
A dark skirt with black tights or stockings, or
Dark trousers with dark socks
Black shoes
A plain white collared shirt or blouse
A white bow tie, black bow tie, full-length black tie or black ribbon
A dark coat, if required
A mortar board or soft cap
An academic gown
Further information can be found on the University website, along with details of three shops in Oxford from which academic dress can be purchased.
Anyone wishing to make use of Wadham's IT facilities must abide by the Acceptable Use Policy for Wadham; to view this policy please click here.
You can find details of how to log on to Eduroam, the University's recommended wireless service for students, on the IT Services website.
International Students
Nationals of other countries, other than the Republic of Ireland, are likely to require visas. To check your status, or for further information, including information for students for EU/EEA with Settled/Pre-Settled status, please click here.
If you do need a visa to enter the UK, it is very likely that your department will have already been in touch with you to start the process. However, if after reading the information here, you think that you will need a visa and you haven't already started the process, please contact us immediately.
All students are required to book and attend a College Registration session with the Graduate Administrator, which can be booked online.
Students from outside the UK who made a CAS/visa application must bring their passport and visa documentation (usually a Biometric Residence Permit) to Registration with them. Current UK Home Office regulations require the College to keep on file a scanned copy of the passport and visa of any student who requires a student visa. Please note that if you require a visa to come to study in the UK, you cannot be registered if you do not bring your passport and visa documentation with you. If you have an electronic visa, please send your share code to in advance of arriving in Oxford.
Undergraduate overseas and visiting students must pay the annual College and University Fees in one instalment at the beginning of Michaelmas Term. If your fees and living expenses are not covered by a grant from an established institution, such as a government, university or grant awarding foundation, you are advised to take out insurance cover against the death or early retirement due to ill health of your sponsor(s). The insurance should be arranged with a company in the country in which the sponsor lives and/or works, taking careful note of any relevant exchange-control regulations.
Students from the UK or Ireland, or those with indefinite leave to remain or those who have been granted pre-settled status or settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme are eligible for free treatment under the National Health Service (NHS).
Students who require a visa (those not from the UK or Ireland, or those who do not hold indefinite leave to remain or pre-settled or settled status) and are studying full time for more than 6 months will need to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) as part of a visa application to access the NHS services free of charge. Family members coming to the UK as dependents will also need to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge to be eligible for the same access to the NHS.
As is the case for UK residents, you may need to pay for dental and optical treatment as well as medicine prescribed by the doctor and collected from a pharmacy. The NHS also charges for particularly expensive discretionary treatments.
Although the majority of UK residents do not have private health insurance, you may wish to consider this option: such insurance would, for instance, cover a student who wishes to seek specialist care for non-urgent conditions where waiting lists under the NHS are often long.