Access Programme Success

Date Published: 04.11.2024

Nearly 80% of Summer Schools pupils, a quarter of Think Like a Lawyer, and just under a third of Access to Banking participants applied to Oxford University this year.

We are delighted to see the rising numbers of participants in our Access programmes applying to Wadham and to Oxford.

We are able to provide these free-to-attend programmes schools thanks to the generosity of Wadham's alumni and supporters. We are proud of our participants and look forward to meeting the next cohorts but there is so much more to do. Find out more about the impact of our Access and Outreach work and how you can help us to continue this.

Each August, we run five-day Classics, Modern Languages and Biology & Human Sciences Summer Schools for pupils in state schools and sixth-form colleges. These Summer Schools are designed to give Year 12s a taste of what it’s like to be an undergraduate studying at the University of Oxford. They take part in an academic programme, live in College, meet student ambassadors studying at Oxford, and receive information, advice and guidance on applying to university. Accommodation, meals, and financial support to cover pupils' travel costs are provided by the College.

The feedback from the 2023 Summer Schools was hugely positive with over a third of participants subsequently securing offers to study at the university. Applications for our 2025 Summer Schools will open in February.

Think Like a Lawyer is a free, two-year programme run by Wadham in collaboration with Linklaters LLP, the global law firm. The programme is for Year 12 students attending a non-selective state school who have an interest in studying at a top university, and pursuing a career in the legal sector.

Access to Banking is a free two-year programme run by Wadham College in collaboration with Barclays Corporate & Investment Bank. The programme is for Year 12 students attending a non-selective state school who have an interest in studying at a top university, and pursuing a career in the banking sector.

Wadham aspires to become a beacon of fair access and academic excellence. Our extensive access work is changing lives.