We welcome and support our vibrant, diverse, international community of graduate students.
On this page you will find information about the admissions process, the courses on offer, accommodation options, and more.
A full list of our courses can be found here: Wadham College | University of Oxford
Wadham student life
Graduate Facilities
The McCall MacBain Graduate Centre, a dedicated facility for Wadham’s graduate students, provides modern, year-round, centrally-located study and social space to both taught and research students. Open 24/7, Graduate Centre resources include a common room and bar through to seminar rooms and library. Take a look around with this video tour of Wadham, with DPhil student, Galina, as your guide.
Student Events
Our active SU has around 30 officers who sit on various College committees to represent the views of the student body, playing an integral part in College life. The SU organises a variety of different events and activities for our students, including: fortnightly ‘bops’ (a sort of disco, often involving fancy dress), bar quizzes, karaoke and film nights. Popular annual events include Queer Week (a week-long series of events, talks and seminars celebrating gender diversity and equality which culminates in a large party in the gardens) and a summer music festival, Wadstock, at which student and local bands play.
While the SU represents all students, an MCR committee also exists to cater for the specific needs of graduate students.
We take the welfare of our community seriously and have a welfare team made up of professionals and peer supporters. SU Welfare Officers also run a number of activities (such as yoga classes) to help students unwind after a hard day studying.
Student Ambassadors
Representing Wadham in schools, at Open Days, leading tours of visiting school students and supporting Wadham's outreach work, we have an engaged team of student ambassadors.
Sarah Lawrence/Wadham New York Exchange
Each year, a small number of Wadham students are selected to go on exchange to the United States, spending nearly three weeks during the spring vacation at Sarah Lawrence College in New York. Wadham students take classes at Sarah Lawrence, while working on a specific project of their choice.