
We welcome and support our vibrant, diverse, international community of undergraduate students.

On this page you will find information about the admissions process, the courses on offer, accommodation options, and more.

Alternative Prospective

Wadham Student Life

Alternative Prospectus

The Alternative Prospectus is created by students, for students. It includes information and advice from our current undergraduates and introduces some of our tutors. Get the lowdown on study timetables, accommodation, expenses, favourite Oxford haunts, and everything you can get involved in, from music and drama to sports. Find out why our students are glad they chose Wadham and why they are 'Wadham Proud'!

Undergraduate Facilities

The state of the art William Doo Undergraduate Centre, incorporating a student bar, café, junior common room, study spaces, art room, bands room, laundry and more opened in January 2021.

A music room, seminar rooms and fully accessible student accommodation open at the same time in the adjacent Dr Lee Shau Kee Building that houses the Wadham Access Centre.

The College Library is open 24/7. Here you'll find your course books, electronic resources, scanning, photocopying and printing facilities.

Student Events

Our active SU has around 30 officers who sit on various College committees to represent the views of the student body, playing an integral part in College life. The SU organises a variety of different events and activities for our students, including: fortnightly ‘bops’ (a sort of disco, often involving fancy dress), bar quizzes, karaoke and film nights. Popular annual events include Queer Week (a week-long series of events, talks and seminars celebrating gender diversity and equality which culminates in a large party in the gardens) and a summer music festival, Wadstock, at which student and local bands play.

Rowing crew at Wadham's boathouse during the Torpids races in 2023

Student Sport

Wadham College Gym is a free on-site facility for the use of all students who have completed an induction on how to safely use the equipment provided. There are a number of rowing machines, free weights, power rack and various work benches, and a squash and badminton court that students can book.

The College's sportsground, pavilion and tennis courts are about a mile from the College and can be booked by students.

The Boathouse that Wadham's rowing crews shares with St Anne's and St Hugh's colleges is on the north bank of the river Isis, and can be reached (on foot only) via Christ Church Meadow.


We take the welfare of our community seriously and have a welfare team made up of professionals and peer supporters. SU Welfare Officers also run a number of activities (such as yoga classes) to help students unwind after a hard day studying.

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College Gardens

Wadham’s extensive gardens provide a wonderful environment for students to enjoy and relax in.

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Student Ambassadors

Representing Wadham in schools, at Open Days, leading tours of visiting school students and supporting Wadham's outreach work, we have an engaged team of student ambassadors.

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Sarah Lawrence/Wadham New York Exchange

Each year, a small number of Wadham students are selected to go on exchange to the United States, spending nearly three weeks during the spring vacation at Sarah Lawrence College in New York.  Wadham students take classes at Sarah Lawrence, while working on a specific project of their choice.

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